Common Block Definitions

\(\begin{array}{lll} \hline \textrm{Block Name} & \textrm{Variable} & \textrm{Definition} \\ \hline \texttt{bdata} & \texttt{o} & \textrm{Page eject option} \\ & \texttt{head} & \textrm{Title record} \\ \hline \texttt{cdat1} & \texttt{ndd} & \textrm{Size of program material parameters} \ \texttt{d(ndd, nummat)} \\ & \texttt{nie} & \textrm{Size of element control array} \ \texttt{ie(nie, nummat)} \\ & \texttt{nud} & \textrm{Size of user material parameters} \ \texttt{ud(*)} \\ \hline \texttt{cdata} & \texttt{numnp} & \textrm{Number of mesh nodes} \\ & \texttt{numel} & \textrm{Number of mesh elements} \\ & \texttt{nummat} & \textrm{Number of material sets} \\ & \texttt{nen} & \textrm{Maximum nodes/element} \\ & \texttt{neq} & \textrm{Number active equations} \\ & \texttt{ipr} & \textrm{Real variable precision} \\ \hline \texttt{comblk} & \texttt{hr} & \textrm{Real array data} \\ & \texttt{mr} & \textrm{Integer array data} \\ \hline \texttt{elcoor} & \texttt{xref} & \textrm{Reference coordinates for the constitutive point} \\ & \texttt{xcur} & \textrm{Current coordinates for the constitutive point} \\ \hline \texttt{counts} & \texttt{nstep} & \textrm{Total number of time steps} \\ & \texttt{niter} & \textrm{Number of iterations current step} \\ & \texttt{naugm} & \textrm{Number of augments current step} \\ & \texttt{titer} & \textrm{Total iterations} \\ & \texttt{taubm} & \textrm{Total augments} \\ & \texttt{iaugm} & \textrm{Augmenting counter} \\ & \texttt{iform} & \textrm{Number residuals in line search} \\ \hline \texttt{eldata} & \texttt{dm} & \textrm{Element proportional load} \\ & \texttt{n_el} & \textrm{Current element number} \\ & \texttt{ma} & \textrm{Current element material set} \\ & \texttt{mct} & \textrm{Print counter} \\ & \texttt{iel} & \textrm{User element number} \\ & \texttt{nel} & \textrm{Number nodes on current element} \\ \hline \texttt{elplot} & \texttt{tt} & \textrm{Element stress values for} \ \texttt{TPLOt} \\ \hline \texttt{eltran} & \texttt{bpr} & \textrm{Principal stretch} \\ & \texttt{ctan} & \textrm{Element multipliers} \\ \hline \texttt{eluser} & \texttt{ut} & \textrm{Element user values for} \ \texttt{TPLOt} \\ \hline \texttt{hdata} & \texttt{nh1} & \textrm{Pointer to} \ t_n \ \textrm{history data} \\ & \texttt{nh2} & \textrm{Pointer to} \ t_{n+1} \ \textrm{history data} \\ & \texttt{nh3} & \textrm{Pointer to element history} \\ \hline \texttt{iofile} & \texttt{ior} & \textrm{Current input logical unit} \\ & \texttt{iow} & \textrm{Current output logical unit} \\ \hline \texttt{pointer} & \texttt{np} & \textrm{Pointer for standard program array} \\ & \texttt{up} & \textrm{Pointer for user defined array} \\ \hline \texttt{prstrs} & \texttt{nph} & \textrm{Pointer to global projection arrays} \\ & \texttt{ner} & \textrm{Pointer to global error indicator} \\ & \texttt{erav} & \textrm{Element error value} \\ & \texttt{j-int} & \textrm{J integral values} \\ \hline \texttt{qudshp} & \texttt{jac} & \textrm{Jacobian matrix determinant at points} \\ & \texttt{lint} & \textrm{Number of quadrature points} \\ & \texttt{sg1} & \textrm{Points natural coordinates and weights in 1D} \\ & \texttt{shp1} & \textrm{Shape functions and derivatives of points in 1D} \\ & \texttt{sg2} & \textrm{Points natural coordinates and weights in 2D} \\ & \texttt{el2} & \textrm{Points natural area coordinates and weights in 2D} \\ & \texttt{shp2} & \textrm{Shape functions and derivatives of points in 2D} \\ & \texttt{sg3} & \textrm{Points natural coordinates and weights in 3D} \\ & \texttt{el3} & \textrm{Points natural volume coordinates and weights in 3D} \\ & \texttt{shp3} & \textrm{Shape functions and derivatives of points in 3D} \\ \hline \texttt{sdata} & \texttt{ndf} & \textrm{Maximum dof/node} \\ & \texttt{ndm} & \textrm{Mesh space dimension} \\ & \texttt{nen1} & \textrm{Dimension 1 on IX array} \\ & \texttt{nst} & \textrm{Size of element matrix} \\ & \texttt{nneq} & \textrm{Total dof in problem} \\ \hline \texttt{tdata} & \texttt{ttim} & \textrm{Current time} \\ & \texttt{dt} & \textrm{Current time increment} \\ & \texttt{ci} & \textrm{Integration parameters} \\ \hline \end{array}\)